What is Moodle?

If you happen to represent an educational institution and you also need to help make your classes accessible online, then Moodle really should be your number 1 alternative. Moodle represents a web–based schooling web application which is created for academics and tutors, who want to help to make their tutorials available on the www.

Considering it’s distinctive potential customers, Moodle is created to be simple to use by both trainer and the student, in order to be more handy. Because of this, there’s such a big community, focused on creating plugins and themes that broaden Moodle’s main features.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with Unilakes Cloud.

eLearning Linux Web Hosting Services

With Unilakes Cloud’s eLearning Linux web hosting solution, you will have your e–learning site set up on the www with merely a click of the mouse. You only need to pick Moodle from the web application drop–down menu located on the order form and we’ll install your digital studying environment as soon as we prepare your account. That would enable you to begin working on your e–learning program as soon as the sign–up procedure has been completed.

Each and every eLearning Linux web hosting package is secured by a range of service guarantees for the problem–free performance of one’s web based classes. Your hosting account is going to be arranged without charge and shall come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. On top of that, if you aren’t satisfied with Unilakes Cloud’s eLearning Linux web hosting services, you are able to make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

To make the supervision of your Moodle educational web site that much easier, we have created our own custom made Web Control Panel. It’s accessible in more than 10 languages and unites web site control and domain management in a single place. It’s also made to live completely inside the cloud and gives speed and stability more advanced than those offered by other control panels.

Unilakes Cloud’s Control Panel is filled with 100 percent free tools and bonuses. Together with Unilakes Cloud’s eLearning Linux web hosting plan, you get Moodle installed by default. By using our control panel, it is possible to install any one of over 40 popular web applications for example Joomla and Wordpress with no setup required, because of the Applications Installer. Also, you have available the Web Accelerator Tools to tremendously hasten up your web sites. Our Stats Manager will start working instantly, with no need to incorporate any tracking code to your web sites.